An assignment on Mode of entry of pathogen; Plant resistance and Control Measure
Mukesh Paneru, IAAS The process of germination or multiplication of infective propagules in host through the establishment of a parasitic relationship between pathogen and host is called infection. It is affected by nature of host, pathogen and external environment. If any of the phase of infection inhibited by any of these factors then infection process is incomplete as a result no disease occurs in host. There are air borne infection, seed borne infection, soil borne infection, insects infection and parasite borne infection. Infection process can be described in following steps. 1)Pre-entry During the penetration of pathogen in a host tissue the spore must germinate on the surface of plant. Some pathogens develop appressoria (specialized penetration structure) and infect the tissue. Some pathogens utilizes openings of plant surface. It this step there is contact between infective propagules